السيرة الذاتية
الاسم : رقية احمد عباس
الشهادة : ماجستير علوم حياة / نبات
اللقب العلمي : مدرس
مكان العمل : جامعة ديالى كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة
عدد البحوث المنشوره : 6
عدد المؤتمرات : 5
الايميل : roqiahmed55kk@yahoo.com.
1- The Effect of Some Plant Extracts Against Proteus spp and Klebsiella spp
Bacteria and Comparing them with Antibiotic
2- A comparative study of the phenolic compounds of some Brassicaceae taxa by High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique.
3- Isolation and Identification of Fungi Caused Data Palms Inflorescence Rot Disease in Some Area of Diyala- Iraq and Control of Disease by Sodium Chloride Salt.
4- Investigation of fungi and mycotoxins contamination in some herbal
slimming mixtures in Baquba city- Iraq.
5- A study on the fungi community in the soil of waste dumps in some regions of al-khalis district.
6- Investigating the correlation between Endomycorrhiza in Phragmites australis plant and the level of heavy metal accumulation in the plant and soil”