Processed Food (Canning Food)

The Department of Chemistry of the Faculty of Education of Pure Sciences held a seminar entitled "Processed Foods" The presenters are Dr. Ziad Tariq Ibrahim and Dr. Abdulqadier Hussien Niama.
The seminar was focused on the types of processed foods (frozen, dry, chilled, canned and fast food) with some examples of each. In general, the advantages and disadvantages were explained for all types of processed food.
The additives which can be used in the preparation of ready food have included in the talk. The role, the purpose and use of common chemicals that can be used as additives was discussed as well.
The second part includes the most important symbols and terms used by companies in the local markets, for more knowledge the meaning of the symbols written on the food and beverage boxes were interpreted.
Finally, it was focused on the harms and risks that caused by consuming the ready food or beverages and how to avoid their risk by reading the ingredients of products that available in the market.